5 Useful Tips For People Who Stand All Day

Sitting all day is not good for your bones, muscles or body in general. The so-called sitting disease that is affecting people who have jobs where they stay seated all day has hit news headlines and doctors offices all over the nation. Recommendations say that if you have a job as a bus driver, computer tech, writer or similar, you should stand frequently throughout the day and take walking breaks. But what about jobs that have you standing all day? Are these better for you? The truth is, people who stand all day for their jobs have their own concerns to think about.
Standing all day does have some good points. When you stand and walk around for your job as a nurse or bartender, for example, you burn more calories and keep your body active. You will end up slimmer and fitter because of your active job. But standing all day can also have dangerous ramifications as well. It can cause back-pain, aching hip joints, bad knees, bunions and painful feet. If you have a job where you stand all day, use these five tips to help protect your body from pain, discomfort and injury.
1. Purchase the Right Shoes
Wearing the right shoes is always important, but as someone who stands all day, they will make a world of difference for you. Find shoes that are comfortable and cushioned. They should provide ample room for all areas of your feet. Keep in mind that you should never purchase shoes that are a perfect fit or a little small. Your feet will most definitely swell throughout the day, and you need to make room for this.
2. Try Stretching Throughout the Day
You can help keep your muscles and joints limber throughout the day by stretching. Try doing standing stretches when you are simply standing still at a desk or counter. Pull one leg at a time back behind you to stretch your thighs, or reach down and touch your toes for a count of 10 to stretch your hamstrings. You might even remove your shoes during a break and stretch your feet out.
3. Pay Attention to Your Posture
Having good posture will prevent injury all over your body, but it will especially help your neck and back. Make sure that you keep your back as straight as possible with your belly button pulled in. Your head should be up so that your shoulders are not slouched. Try to walk from heel to toe instead of plunking down your shoe with each step. Finally, make sure that you keep your shoulders back and in line with your spine and hips.
4. Take Sitting Breaks
When it is possible, take sitting breaks in your place of work. During your lunch hour, do not walk around for errands or anything else. Sit down, and try to stay seated for the entirety of your break to give your feet, legs and back a rest.
5. Take Care of Your Feet at Home
You should also make sure to take care of your feet when you get home from work. You can do this by giving yourself a foot massage or putting your feet in a foot bath. Take your shoes and socks off and gently rub the soles, heels and tops of your feet with your hands. Use medium pressure on your feet. A foot bath can be as simple as slipping your feet into a small basin of warm, sudsy water. These are easy things to do because you can do them while you watch TV or click around on your computer. They are relaxing things that won’t hinder your down time at home.
Finally, make sure that you see your doctor for a regular checkup every year. Before heading to your appointment, make a list of anything that has been bothering you physically or internally so that you can consult your doctor about it. If something serious happens health-wise, make an extra appointment with a doctor to get to the bottom of the issue right away. Serious joint pain, aching areas of the body or other disruptive symptoms should always be addressed. Don’t ignore your symptoms, and take care of your body on and off the job.