Best Foot Peeler & Shaver Products Reviewed

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
Foot care products such as balms, scrubs, and masks are quite easy to accept. After all, many similar products are used in other areas of the body, such as face masks and body scrubs. But many feel intimidated and even horrified when faced with items like rasps, files, and callus removers. This is perfectly understandable. The sight of these metal tools (one might even call them weapons!), combined with the idea of putting them to your skin and scraping, is enough to make anyone back down. However, if you are familiar with salons and/or get pedicures regularly, you are no doubt familiar with this process. Before getting a pedicure, the worker will often soak, trim the nails, as well as get rid of calluses or dead skin with files and rasps. They are thorough with the work, leaving you not with tender heels and bleeding toes, but rather with baby-soft skin. This is proof that, when used properly, these tools will not hurt you but will rather help you get nice-looking and healthy feet.
With that said, the coarseness of the file, shaver, or callus remover also makes a huge difference in how easy it can be used, and how efficient it is.
A coarse/sharp tool is best for those with thick, hardened skin accumulated through years of walking, sports, or labor. This type of hard skin and calluses are often very difficult to remove because they were formed in such a long period of time. By consequence, you need something very efficient that can get right to the point and get the job done. You must be careful when using these tools, because their coarseness/sharpness means they can easily hurt other areas of your skin that are not hardened, such as your fingers or toes. (Think of it like grating a carrot and accidentally scraping your pinky. Not fun.) Therefore, make sure to keep them away from other parts of your body. When using them on your foot, however, they should not cause a lot of pain, because the skin you are trying to get rid of is hardened, cracked, dry, or dead already and should not have much feeling.
The downside of coarse/sharp tools is that they make it very easy to overdo the job. When you’re working away at the unwanted skin, your foot might begin to adjust and become numb to the scraping sensation so that when you reach the more tender layer of skin, you aren’t aware that it’s time to stop. If you just keep going at it, you’ll stop only when it’s too late and leave yourself with tender and maybe even bleeding heels. They are also not suitable for mild calluses or thin layers of hardened skin for the same reason.
Gentler tools have their fair share of benefits, too. After using the more efficient rasp or file to get rid of the worst of your calluses or dry skin, turn to a gentler file to finish off the job. These don’t take off the skin as quickly, allowing you to stay aware of your senses and know when its time to stop scraping. This way, they make it easier for you to achieve that perfect state of softness without discomfort. Gentler tools are also the ones most suitable for people who don’t have extremely unsightly feet but still want to polish them up before a night out in heels, for example. Again, the reduce the risk of hurting yourself and ensure a safer process.
The best part about using these tools at home rather than going to a salon is the sanitation. At home, you are responsible for keeping all your items clean and sanitized. When you’ve done so, you can rest easy when using them. In the salon, however, sanitation is put into the responsibility of others that may not do as good of a job. Of course, it sounds disgusting, but there are more serious consequences than that. If the tools used on your feet are not cleaned properly and/or if you get a nick or a cut by accident, you could easily get a fungal infection or other types of unpleasant conditions.
At home, you have to take the necessary measures to ensure all your tools are sanitary. After every use, your tool is bound to have some powdery skin still lingering on it. Just using water and soap isn’t enough. It is recommended that you use a brush of some kind (a toothbrush should be fine – just don’t use your own) to scrub it and get into every little crevice that might exist. Then, use a disinfecting solution or sanitizing liquid and soak or spray the tool. Finally, put it into an airtight bag to ensure it is sealed off from any bacteria outside.
The effectiveness of a foot peeler is obviously important. You don't want to buy a product that doesn't actually work. When looking at the effectiveness of a foot peeler you'll want to look at the type of coarseness and file on the peeler.
The different types of files will affect your feet in different ways. In our list above you will be able to see what each different file does so you can choose which is the best fit for your needs.
When you think of foot peelers, you probably don't think of comfort. But, it's important that there is some level of comfort when you think about using a product on your feet.
When we talk about comfort, we really mean to make sure that you are looking for a foot peeler that won't harm you or won't cause any lasting damage. In all of our products on this list, we made sure that they are safe to use and will help your feet become the soft and smooth babies they deserve to be.
Throughout today’s buying guide, one feature that we always looked for when assessing each product was the cost and value. This is something that we always measure and assess as it’s a great means to unveil the level of quality of an item. Now, typically, consumers often don’t look past a price tag beyond whether or not it means their budget.
If you want to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth, you need to use the cost a bit more to your advantage. You see, consumers have the power to decide what product they want to purchase. No brand is forcing you to buy their item. So, before you hit the “buy” button, try this process and see how it helps you!
What we did before choosing any product for our list was looking at the entire field and what companies were charging. We wanted to have a vast understanding of what the market looked like. By knowing the highest priced product and the lowest price, we were able to use this information to measure how fair priced products were. We even used this strategy when assessing and comparing the value of products.
Here are some questions that we asked ourselves that you can use as well when picking out a product:
10 Best Foot Peelers
1. Microplane Colossal Rasp

Number one on the list is an item by a very popular personal care brand. Microplane owns several patents and produces over four hundred different products, which are distributed around the world. Their goal is to make people's lives easier - and we believe they've achieved it. The Microplane Colossal Foot Rasp is made to eliminate unwanted hard skin and to leave you with smooth, silky feet. For frequent walkers or exercisers, they're the perfect tool for removing calluses. It doesn't matter if the calluses have developed over years because in just a few seconds they can be filed down to baby-soft skin. However, do remember that this rasp is best used with a pumice stone.
No Soak Needed
Many regular files require that you soak your feet or shower first so that the skin is rendered soft enough. This often means taking a shower, filing, then having to rinse your feet again. Thankfully, this product doesn't require soaking - saving you from the time and hassle of that first step.
Large Surface Area
Those with big feet know the struggles of filing with a small rasp. It simply takes forever! If you're one of those people, then you'll be glad to hear that this rasp has a surface area larger than most. Each file can take down more unwanted calluses, making the job quicker, easier, and more efficient.
Cost and Value
This is sold in packages of two as well as individually. They are a pretty good deal and are slightly cheaper than the majority of the other items on the list. It's not often that the product rated number one for quality is also an economic choice, so consider this one a win-win.

2. Rikans Colossal Foot Rasp

Now, this item by Rikans is labelled as a foot rasp, but the term 'weapon' could fit it just as well. Though it's super important to keep our feet moisturized to prevent dry, hard skin to begin with, sometimes it just doesn't happen. You might be in the military, work in construction, or be to busy to take care of them. In that case, you may look down one summer day and realize - how will you ever wear sandals again? But it's not too late if you've got the right tool. This rasp is very effective because its pattern is rough. It can take care of years of accumulated dryness and calluses, and give you those sandal-ready smooth heels. Just remember to go slow and be careful while working away. Stay mindful and ensure that you don't accidentally file off too much skin to leave your heel tender, and perhaps use a moisturizer afterwards. Do this gradually over three to five days, and you won't be disappointed by the result.
When you're working away at an awkward angle, the worst thing you can have is an unnecessarily heavy weight to hold on to at the same time. These are kept nice and light thanks to their clever design and material choices to reduce the risk for crampy hands.
Feel like you have hooves for feet and will never find anything mighty enough to conquer those calluses? You'll be proved wrong. Countless customers with severely dry, cracked, and callused heels have claimed this to be their holy grail. It's a good thing for some, but watch out - they could be too rough if you've only got mild calluses.
Cost and Value
Compared to the other picks, this one is inexpensive. On top of that, their efficiency makes them ideal for those who have struggled to find the right product for years so that you can finally find your holy grail - and at a reasonable price, too.

3. Sunny Metal Pedicure File

You may be scared away by the image of this next one. Yes, it looks like a cheese grater. No, it will not shred your feet into thousands of pieces. Just hear us out - though they have large holes and are quite sharp, they are efficient and useful when they are used correctly. Like many coarse files, this one should only be used with severely dry skin or severe calluses. They allow large amounts of dry, flaking skin to be removed in a short amount of time. Once the major issue is dealt with, we recommend you put this file away and use a finer one to finish the job. This will help prevent you from removing too much skin by accident and getting super tender heels for the next week.
Replaceable Blade
A file is no good with a worn-out blade. Through frequent use, you're sure to find the blade getting dull at some point. Because the blade in this file is replaceable, you can exchange it for a new one and keep using the file like before.
Like we've already mentioned, the biggest pro with this file is their efficiency. They'll get the job done quicker than you can imagine. Just remember not to get too into it and end up hurting yourself.
Cost and Value
This file has an okay price. It's not the cheapest option here, but not expensive, either. But if you're struggling a lot, it's not often that you find something as effective as this one, so we think they are worth the buy.

4. Oneleaf Professional Rasp

No matter if you want a complete makeover or just need a trim, the Oneleaf Professional Pedicure Rasp can take care of it all. The two files offer three different levels of coarseness to ensure you get exactly the result you want. Work carefully, and in just a few minutes you should have soft, smooth skin in place of hard, dead skin and thick calluses. Prior to use, we recommend soaking your feet to ensure the dry skin is soft enough to be removed with minimal risk for pain. Then, file and buff away! On top of that, this 2-piece set doesn't even cost as much as some of the other individual filers and peelers.
Pack of Two
To reduce the risk of hurting yourself and yet still be efficient, it is optimal to have tools with more than one level of coarseness. This package includes a coarse grater-like file as well as a flat file with a coarse surface and a grinding surface for doing the final bit of polishing up.
Requires Little Pressure
You won't have to press with all your might at an awkward angle to achieve efficiency. The blade is designed to work with just a light pressure.
Cost and Value
Despite being a set of two, these are still inexpensive. When you do the math, you save a lot of money buying this set rather than two separate files. In other words, you're getting the ultimate deal with this one.

5. Sucica Stainless Steel

Last but certainly not least is this great set by Sucica. Like the other sets on the list, the rasp and the file each provide different levels of coarseness and are designed for different stages in the process. The sharpness and clever pattern of the rasp ensure efficiency in removing calluses and cracked dead skin. The file is double-sided and is made to remove the last bits of unwanted skin. The design was also made with safety in mind, so the risk for nicking yourself is reduced. However, the manufacturer still recommends you soak your feet for around ten minutes before using the product, just to be extra safe. To top it all off, they are affordable, allowing anyone and everyone to purchase them and get the feet they want.
The pattern of the blade makes a difference in its efficiency and effectiveness. This one has wavy patterns that offer it easier to remove calluses and minimizes the chance of having untouched spots where the blade couldn't reach.
Good Grip
The handle is carefully designed to be the perfect size for a steady and comfortable grip in the hand. Both the rasp and the file have strong, ergonomic, non-slip plastic handles that make them easier to use.
Cost and Value
You don't have to spend a fortune to purchase this set of rasp and file. However, their high quality and promising features ensure that every single penny you do spend on them results in a priceless reward - having soft, smooth, pretty feet.

6. MAKARTT Coarse

Calluses are never fun. They are formed by your body to as a way of protecting itself from friction and irritation, and although they do fulfill their intended purpose, they are not very convenient in a world where looks matter so much. When wearing open shoes like sandals and flip flops during the summer, having your calluses out on display is not fashionable. This callus remover by MAKARTT will ensure you step out with confidence instead. It is made of 304 stainless steel and has a pattern that works in both directions - up and down. The coarseness of the blade makes them efficient. In addition, they do not require you to soak your feet before usage.
Good Handle Grip
Because the angle you're working at will be restricted (you can't take off your foot, after all) it's imperative that you maintain a good grip. The hand of this has grooves to fit your fingers in and to prevent slipping around in your hand.
Removable Blade
Though the blade is embedded securely into the handle, they can also be taken out. This facilitates the cleaning process and ensures you clean them more thoroughly before your next use.
Cost and Value
This is the cheapest item on our list. You'll love it if you're on a budget, or are just experimenting with callus removers and aren't sure what kind will suit you best.

7. Probelle 2-Sided

This ultra-convenient and compact file offers you nearly all the features you could want. No soaking is needed prior to use, as the manufacturer guarantees that it is effective and safe to use with dry feet. Designed especially for rough skin and thickened calluses, it should be able to get rid of all unwanted and dead skin. Meanwhile, the nickel-based surface keeps it gentle enough so that the risk of nicking yourself is minimized. Its design also renders them very easy to clean and sanitize, which is a very important feature that should be prioritized, as it prevents the spread of bacteria and of potential infections on the foot. On top of all that, they're fairly easy to use - simply do back and forth strokes on the target area until all unwanted skin is removed. Corns and calluses would be turned into powder that, though messy, ensures they come away without pain.
As the name of this product states, the metal surface is made of nickel. This type of metal has superior strength and is extremely resistant to corrosion, ensuring that you can keep using it for a long time to come.
Why have two separate files when a single one can get the job done for two? One of the sides is coarse while the other is medium. For the outer layer of thickened skin, the first side is optimal. You can switch over to the medium side to finish off the job and reduce the risk of hurting yourself.
Cost and Value
Compared to the other items on the list, this one is actually a fairly expensive one, especially considering the fact that they are not electric. They do, however, have all the features we've just listed above, so if you pay the price, we're sure you'll get lots in return.

8. Comfy Mate Pedicure File

Like the product we chose for our number seven, this one is a set. But rather than having two seperate files, this is simply one plastic frame with two blades of difference coarseness that can be put into the frame. To get rid of the outermost layer of dry and dead skin, use the coarser blade with larger and sharper holes. After the bulk of the work is done, use the finer one to achieve smooth, soft skin without too much risk of hurting yourself. Being ligthweight and easily portable, they're also a good choice for those who are constantly travelling - and a much better one than their electric counterparts, since they require no charging and no batteries.
Good Grip
Having a good grasp on the file can make a big difference on the efficiency. Thankfully, these have ergonomic plastic handles that let you hold them firmly while doing what you need to do.
Replaceable Blade
Love the file, but hate how dull the blade is getting after a few uses? It's no problem. Because they are replaceable, you can purchase another one online and keep using your beloved file.
Cost and Value
Considering you're getting two different blades in one pack, it's like getting two different files altogether. It's an incredible bargain you can't miss out on!

9. Own Harmony Electric

Think foot care is just for women? Though the name sounds very similar to 'skin care,' something stereotypically for females only, it may be even more important for men to take care of the feet. Men tend to have harsher jobs than women, which require more walking and physical exertion, such as being a construction worker. This particular item is made especially for men, and its list of advantages goes on and on. The fact that it is electric saves you the hassle of rubbing back and forth yourself. Besides that, it is cordless and has a long-lasting charge, being able to stay powered for nearly 45 minutes straight. It can easily be cleaned by splashing with water, and the rollers are refillable. Suitable for both extremely cracked skin and mild calluses, they're a great choice for all.
Roller Heads
To ensure high performance, the roller heads are made to be convex and curved to reach every spot. They are made of high-quality micro pedi mineral crystals for a good texture and are refillable so that you can keep them performing efficiently.
The brand claims that the machine is designed to get rid of thick, hard skin while not affecting the soft skin beneath. You'll be able to remove what needs to be removed without hurting what doesn't.
Cost and Value
Since this is callus remover is one of the only ones on the list that is electric, it is the most expensive one as well. Though they aren't the most suitable for those on a budget, their cost can be justified by their high quality and sensitivity.

10. NatureTech Pedi

This product is another electric one. Electric tools can be super beneficial, as they save you the effort of grinding, filing, and shaving your feet manually so that you can focus on getting the pressure right and not getting rid of more skin than necessary. With rollers made of quartz micro mineral crystals and that spin at 360 degrees, no area will be missed. Designed for long-term use, they also claim to provide consistently high performance to maintain the smoothness of your feet. The best thing about this callus remover is how suitable it is for the typical, dry-but-not-too-dry feet. The pressure isn't hard enough to cause pain or harm. However, this also means they're not suitable for those with real calluses and hard skin.
Refills Included
Rather than just giving you the callus remover, two coarse refills are also included. When the one you're using is worn down, you can always exchange it for a new one to ensure efficiency at all times.
What's similar to our number four is their lack of cord - but what's better about this one is that it doesn't require charging, either. It is battery-powered, ensuring easy usage. Safe to use, portable, and convenient, they'll keep your feet looking good no matter where you may be.
Cost and Value
This one's also more expensive than manual files and peelers, but only slightly. You've got to keep in mind their added convenience and efficiency. After all, we've all got better things to do than to labor away at our left heel, so let the machine do the job for you.