Best Heel Protectors & Stoppers Reviewed

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
Durability is something which should be a given with every product made. Unfortunately, as well all know too well, this is not the case. Within regards to stoppers and heel protectors, there are two types of durability which we consider: long-term and short-term. Long-term is both an actual component, as well as a virtual one. That is, what one person considers to be long-term may not fit the bill for another. The same can be said for the ideology of short-term aspects. For this purpose, long-term means you can utilize the heel protector or stopper more than one time and, obviously, short-term will mean a one-and-done scenario.
Long-term durability will usually come in the form of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) material. The material is mixed with plasticizers, in order to take the rigid nature of PVC and make it more flexible. Depending on the company, the number of plasticizers added will vary. This changes how well the heel protector will both move with your natural walk (in heels) and still remain rigid enough to navigate surfaces, such as grates and cracks in sidewalks.
Short-term durability means that the item is either made of a lesser-grade of material or the PVC is not manufactured up to the standards of a finer heel protector. With these items, you may find yourself switching out for a new pair of stoppers before the day's end.
Why does all of this matter? The choice between long-term and short-term durability is a direct reflection of what you need. If you are going to an event which is a one-time-only scenario, then, by all means, a short-term heel protector will work just fine. These are cheaper in cost and the hassle of cleaning and putting them away becomes obsolete. But if you are someone who wears heels on the regular, a short-term item would become frustrating, to say the least. In this case, a long-term heel protector is much more sensible.
Ease of Use
Ease of use requires that you can place the heel protetctor on your heels, well, easily. Furthermore, removing the item should not be an overwork in the task. If you find yourself with your tongue hanging out and grunting sounds of dismay, as you attempt to twist the heel protetctor off of your heels, then chances are they fall short of the ease-of-use criteria.
Certain heel protetctors are going to be tougher to place on than others. Something which slips on (i.e. stoppers) will always be easier to work with than a protector, which can entail that the bottom part of the heel is removed (pin and all) prior to installation. Anytime the pliers must come out, time will be added and, therefore, ease-of-use declines.
The idea here is to understand what is desirable. For heel protectors, there will always be pin removal prior to install. The best case scenario is that this can be done in around a minute with some practice. For, stoppers, on the other hand, we need an item which slips on easily, grabs the heel, and can be removed without much fuss. If you can slip the stopper on the heel but it falls off three steps into your stride, then this is a disater and it just won't do. In fact, this is more trouble than it could ever be worth.
Overall Fit
When considering stoppers, be certain they fit snug, but not so much that they are nearly impossible to remove. After all, the point is to protect your heels from the hazards of soft ground, rough terrain, and so on. The last thing anyone wants is to protect heels from the day and only to scar them later when removing the armor, so to speak. Remember, snug but not too tight.
Heel protectors should fit the heel as though it were newly purchased. The bottom should align exact and not extend out in any direction; nor, should it recede. Although a wider base (from the original design) isn't hazardous like that of a narrower base, the pin may be a lot larger than the original. This can compromise the heel's integrity and the unexpected width in diameter can cause splitting. Likewise, a narrower heel protector than the original design will, more than likely, just fall out. Your gluing stage would then become the means of holding the protector in place, instead of the desired effect of partnership.
At the end of the day, stoppers must remain on the heel while you walk, twist off easily, and not scar the heel in the process. Heel protectors should fit exactly where the heel meets the protector. The same shape and width is an absolute must for heel protectors. Pre-measuring your heel width (at the bottom) can go a long way in matching the correct size to your heels during purchase. For the most part, you will want both the millimeter and centimeter measurement, as manufacturer's vary in this area.
Stability is something that, normally, does not go hand-in-hand with heel walking. The power of your precious ankles must fight the horrendous battle with each and every step. This is a much different experience than say a leisurely stroll in your athletic footwear. In other words, relaxation and comfort mean the removal of the heels and not actually wearing them.
Heel protectors are made of rubber, more times than not, and can provide better traction and grip. This gives heels, which may not be otherwise anti-slip, this valuable asset. Stoppers, on the other hand, they add more diameter to the base, and as such, stabilization increases. And although stoppers are mainly created for experienced heel walkers, in order to traverse questionable terrain, they can be a great tool for beginners.
Since stabilization increases (form the wider base), it is assumed that all stoppers increase stability. The truth, sadly, is that this is not the case. In some situations, where the product is too elastic, per se, stabilization decreases. As such, there needs to be the right amount of strength and flexibility in place, in order to meet our criteria.
Value is in relation to the price, the overall quality, and whether or not the heel protetctor or stopper will hold up over the long-term versus the short-term. An expensive item which can be utilized many times over, may indeed, be an item which excels in value over a cheaper one. In other words, hours of usability is a considerable notion. With that being said, not all expensive heel protetctors and stoppers are made better than the cheaper ones. We may find ourselves paying for something because it reads: wedding.
The fact remains that all stoppers can be utilized at a wedding. If they don't come in a bag, then we can just put them into one of our choosing. Next, value implies that we can actually make use of the item, that it works, and holds up to our expectations. In other words, a stopper isn't stopping if the base folds up while standing in soft grass. We are better off with the tiptoe scenario; avoiding the potential overconfidence, altogether.
When we consider value, we hold that the heel protector performs as expected, first and foremost. Secondly, we measure the amount of usability we can get out of each product. Lastly, we consider the dollar amount. So, in essence, an item may very well be more expensive than some of the others on this list, but is might excel in every other area of criteria. In this, that heel protetctor would rise to the top, as it were.
Top 10 Picks
1. GoGoHeel Stoppers

The GoGoHeel Stoppers have a nice visual appeal to them with the floral design. This makes a normally awkward appearance seem less obtrusive and more inviting. Furthermore, with the translucent design, these will blend well while walking. These are both sensible and practical, in the realm of ease-of-use and reusability. They are up to the tasks of handling soft ground, small cracks, or those unforeseen moments, such as preventing a long gown from catching on otherwise bare heels.
We love the floral design feature of these stoppers, as this helps to turn those "hmms' into "awws," so to speak. Moreover, they are translucent and do well to blend to both the environment and your high heels. Ready for the hazards of small cracks (i.e. deck, sidewalks, etc.), soft ground, and so on, these perform well. Furthermore, they are easy to use and are great for not causing scarring of the heel surface.
Having a design to accommodate heel widths between 6-13 mm (4 sizing choices), these can add as much as 3-10 times the amount of heel surface area; making them ideal for increased stabilization. This means they can be a great tool for first-time heel walkers, as it were. Moreover, we are confident that these make an outing a bit safer when facing those unforeseen obstacles previously mentioned, so to speak.
At the end of the day, these are a wise investment and are perfect to keep on hand. They work well in many environments and social gatherings; but more importantly, they are reusable. In essence, they have a strong build and could even be considered as heel armor, as it were.

2. Solemates Classic Bridal

This is a product which gears itself towards weddings. The package contains 12 pairs. Furthermore, each pair has a design for stiletto heels. There are no options for varying widths; so, other heels cannot be addressed with these stoppers. They are perfect for a solution to bridesmaids wearing matching wardrobes and can further protect those lovely dresses.
These are stoppers which will work well under the stresses of a wedding day. They will add stability to uncertain surfaces (i.e. soft ground, decks, etc.) and are great at minimizing dress catching (e.g. when the heel 'catches' the bottom of long dresses). Since these are geared toward wedding events, they are quite expensive. This may or may not be a turn-off, but the price-to-value ratio seems a bit on the extreme side.
Fitting is the classic style and requires stiletto widths in heels. They are simple to use and have decent reusability associated with them. This, also, means these have great durability. As previously mentioned, the color available is translucent. As such, lighter colors in footwear may benefit more than darker colors.
Overall, even though the price is high, these stand out like the originals they are; that is, the quality is there to support the product. When it is all said and done, this is a great solution in preparing for that gorgeous wedding day, so to speak.

3. Aohaolee Transparent

These stoppers are made with PVC. This means they are not completely eco-friendly, as advertised. With that being said, these come in an assortment pack (2-small; 2-medium; 2-large) with each having their own satin bag for carry (green; white; rose pink), respectively. Anti-slip strips help to ensure a safer walking experience and the base bottom is wide enough to prevent ground sinking.
Available in transparent coloring, these camouflage well. In addition, they perform decently, in regards to the prevention of ground sinking, navigating sidewalk cracks, and handling uneven terrain. Furthermore, this product has good durability and, more importantly, can be utilized more than once (i.e. reusable). This is a one-size-fits-all type of item, so customization is minimal at best.
The PVC material makeup means there is great flexibility and these have an anti-slip design, as well. They are durable and can help to lengthen the lifespan of your heels. Moreover, these are reusable and can transfer to other heels. They do aid in navigating questionable surfaces (i.e. sidewalks, decks, soft ground, etc.), and as such, are perfect for allowing you to traverse those surfaces a bit safer.
At the end of the day, these could make an ideal gift choice (assortment pack) or are great if you are uncertain of your exact sizing in heels. They do hold up well and have decent longevity, as a result. Furthermore, these will work at most gatherings (i.e. dancing, outdoor events, protect wooden floors, etc.); that is, these do stop those pesky nuances that heel wearers face.

4. HS High Heel

Are you looking for a single pair for a one-and-done event? These transparent stoppers from HS come equipped with a nifty carry bag and are great for outdoor business meetings, weddings, or for just a friendly gathering walking the cobblestone sidewalks. The base is 3 centimeters and the inner diameter measures in at 1 centimeter. Made of PVC, these have a decent amount of flexibility, as well.
We always love options, and with the two color choices of both black and clear, this single pair purchase fits the bill, per se. Additionally, each pair comes in a bag which retains a nice coloring of transparent, rose-pink. This makes these a wonderful gift idea for those you may know heading to a special event. After all, this is an item that few think of prior to needing it.
The PVC material makeup will allow this to flex during walking but will, also, remain sturdy enough for stepping over sidewalk cracks, traversing cobblestone, standing on grates and so on. This means a safer experience in addition to the avoidance of tiptoe walking, so to speak. After all, shoe removal to step a few feet can become quite an annoyance; not to mention, it is always nice to know you won't be sinking on softer ground, either.
Valuewise, this is a sound investment. The single pair is not expensive and the overall durability and performance are spot-on for single event occasions. Depending on how much walking and the terrain covered, these may even be reusable a few times more than just the one event, as PVC excels in the area if durability. Overall, whether you are searching for something for an event or are just wanting to know if this sort of item actually works, then this could be the purchase for you. In other words, the cost-to-value ratio is rather nice.

5. Anladia Stiletto

For those looking for stoppers to equip onto their stiletto-style heels, these are sufficient. They have a decent base bottom, which is great for traversing soft ground, grates, cobblestone, cracks in sidewalks, and so on. They come with individual bags for easy carry and their adorable, as well! This product is easy to install and remove, and the overall performance is there; at least, within regards to standard usage.
Strictly for stilettos, these stoppers are translucent and come in individual bags for easy carrying; both in the realm of styling and convenience. Unfortunately, the bag colors are random; so, although rose pink may be great as wedding handouts, the fact is there is no guarantee the advertised color will be sent. The only for sure alternative is to purchase bags to be utilized separately. Although this may not be an issue for individual usage, event planners need to be aware of this.
Furthermore, the overall fit is for stilettos and will not work with other heel widths. This product is specific, in this regard, and if you are in need of other width sizes, then these are not the correct purchase. Or at the very least, you may need to look around at our other reviewed products for a solution.
Finally, these do perform well and can handle cobblestone, cracks in sidewalks, grates, decks, and soft ground. They are, also, great to wear for preventing a long dress from being snatched by the longer stiletto style and can even work to help early heel walkers to maintain a bit more stability. As such, these do pass the test, in terms of ease-of-use, overall value, and stability.

6. Laoyou

Laoyou heel protectors come in a pack of 12, with 3 different sizes. And, while these protectors do have a bit more of a cap at the base, they also have anti-slip traction in the design of the cap. These particular heel protectors are perfect for when you plan to attend an outdoor wedding in grass or sand and want to wear your high heels. The cap actually increases the base of your heel to 30mm, lessening the chances of sinking into grass!
Greater stability can be found with the Laoyou Heel Protectors, as their cap design creates a more stable base for the heel, and prevents any sinking into mud, grass, grates, or sidewalk cracks and gaps. A thread on the bottom helps give grip and prevents slipping along smoother surfaces. Perfect for outdoor events that require more formal wear.
Each heel protector is made from plastic, but won’t make loud clicking when wearing them. Make certain to size your heel before placing the protectors on them so you get the proper fit. And, there is a guarantee should you not be satisfied with your purchase, simply return for a refund. Well worth a try if you’re trying to save your heels from wear and tear.

7. Flyusa Cover Clear

This product comes with an assortment pack containing 4 sizes. Furthermore, the choice is readily available for 3-, 6-, 10-, and 20-pair solutions. In essence, you can purchase for yourself, or for a larger group such as a wedding. Additionally, these come individually wrapped; a professional feel upon presentation. Moreover, they are made of PVC, which brings both durability and flexibility to the table.
A design utilizing PVC material, these stoppers are reusable in standard applications. In other words, they will hold up under soft ground conditions (i.e. grass) but rougher surfaces (i.e. cobblestone) may shorten the expected lifespan. Also, the amount of walking will influence how many times they can be reused, as it were. In addition, the PVC increases durability and adds a nice mixture of flexibility; thereby, increasing stabilizing features.
Unfortunately, there are no black variants of the item. This means clear is the only color option. Depending on the color of your footwear, the clear may stand out; instead of having the desirable effect of blending. In other words, a lighter shoe color will have an advantage here.
The value is decent, in regards to the number of pairs received for the cost. The only issue we found is that these are more like a grab-bag scenario; that is, they may or may not fit your heels as needed. Even though there are four size solutions, it seems that some fit between certain heel styles. For this reason, it is best to match these with classic styles, such as Latin dance heels or stilettos.

8. Clickless Heel Protectors

This brand thought of everything when designing their high heel protectors! With 7 different sizes in one pack, you will find the perfect fit for your favorite heels. These heel protectors are also quiet when walking, so you’ll have less clicking and clacking, and more dancing and grooving. Next time you find yourself headed out into the streets, be sure to pop a pair on before the concrete damages your heel caps!
Made from plastic, each heel protector is labeled with a size on the interior so you won’t forget which pair fit which high heel. And, with only a 0.5 inch height, these are less noticeable than several other brands. They’ve been designed to look just like the caps of your high heels, and help to soften your movements throughout the day.
A cap remover is included in this pack of 7, and heel protectors will fit high heels 7mm through to 14mm in size. With three different color options you can select, you’ll find one to protect your favorite pair that will blend in perfectly with the original color and hue of the heel cap. Clickless is perfect for protecting those adored stilettos and kitten heels!

9. Teekia

With the clear design, we are fond of, these stoppers camouflage well and blend into the environment as expected. There are 30 pairs in the package with each size set at small (9mm), medium (11mm), and large (13mm). Also, each size has its own carry bag (color-coded) for easier identification and convenience. The bottom radius is 30 mm, which is a decent circumference for navigating small cracks and for the prevention of soft ground sinking.
We enjoy the overall assortment pack of the three sizes available (10-pair 9mm; 10-pair 11mm; 13-pair 13mm). Also, the base is set to a nice size of 30 millimeters; sufficient for increasing balance and protecting those heels from slipping into the cracks, as it were. The only downside is that this item lacks in the durability department. One pair may only last through eight hours of constant walking; per se. With the number of pairs per package, however, the overall value still remains high, in the realm of remaining cost-efficient.
The color-coded carry bags (for each respective size) adds to the value here, as the sheer thought of attempting to sort through a single bag of multiple sizes sounds maddening. In this, Teekia did a great job in considering the customer first. So, if you are someone with multiple size heels, this could very well be the perfect solution; especially, after considering cost-effectiveness.
It is somewhat disappointing that this item only comes in a translucent styling, as the clear design seems to stand out among darker colors. With that being stated, clear is kind in removing eyes away from the stoppers and helping to maintain focus on your beautiful wardrobe. At the end of the day, these do perform in the desired way; albeit, if not for long periods.

10. TOODOO Heel Stoppers

These heel protectors are similar to others on our list, and bonus-they come with little satchels to help you sort sizes, and discretely carry in your purse. Designed from rubber, they’re less likely to make any distracting sounds or noises when walking on hardwood floors or concrete. With a variety of sizes in this heel protector pack, you’re sure to find the perfect fit.
While some heel protectors are made from harder plastic, which can be more durable, using rubber helps to diminish clicking on hard surfaces while protecting your shoes. Stripes along the base of the protector help prevent slips and falls. The base itself is wider as well, helping add a bit of stability and balance while on uneven surfaces.
Within this set are 12 heel protectors, 4 for each size, small, medium, or large. Simply snap onto the heel for a perfect fit! Clear rubber also helps the aesthetic of your high heel, making the entire shoe visible. Perfect for outdoor events such as weddings or graduation parties!

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