Best Wart Removal Products Reviewed & Rated

The list below lists the top 10 solutions that can be purchased. From sticks, to liquids to pads, all appear different but work in a similar way: they use natural or chemical ingredients to dissolve the growth’s protective barrier and to starve it, causing it to dry out and fall off. While some are more aggressive, others will work slowly over time, nourishing the surrounding skin, making sure it stays healthy and unaffected.
Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
Given that this is a medical treatment of sorts, we have decided to pay special attention to whether or not a formula is effective. Whether or not it actually helps get rid of warts, whether it stops their spreading, and whether it also prevents them from coming back once they’re gone.
And the tricky thing, in this case, is, everyone’s experience with this ailment and these types of solutions is different and unique. The reason for this is that everyone has a different immune system. Some people require no cure, and their problems disappear all on their own once their immune system develops a way to fight HPV. Others struggle and may resort to these over-the-counter options to try and eliminate their skin tags. There are even those who give up entirely and see a clinician who suggests surgery as a final solution.
Everyone’s journey is different, and as a result, most items here have mixed reviews.
So, in that case, how can you know if something will work for you or not?
The sad answer is, you won’t. You won’t know until you give it a try. The most potent of products, such as the Stick Remover with 40% salicylic acid could have the same effect as rubbing cooking oil on your infected area, while the most obscure of homeopathic formulas which many people say does nothing could be just the product you are looking for.
Unfortunately, as we have stated in our introduction, getting rid of these growths requires determination, perseverance, and patience. Pick a preparation you think sounds the best to you, and start from there. Will a little luck and a lot of careful application, you will succeed on your first try and you won’t have to come back and search for another item to use instead.
In our guide, we included many different types of wart removal products, and with them came many different ways of applying them. Some are more easier to use, and some aren’t so much, and here we will discuss all the tools we’ve come across and what are the pros and cons of each.
Let’s start with the most common one - the formula is packaged in a tube with a tiny hole at the tip, and you squeeze out the amount of product you wish to use. Sounds simple enough, and not too messy, right? But what happens if the product is liquid, thinner than you expected it to be, and you squeeze out too much of it? Now you have it everywhere, on other parts of your skin, and perhaps even on your clothes or on the carpet. What a pain.
While this way of applying the formula is certainly convenient, as it requires no other tools, there is still a small chance that you might make a mess of it. Some options, such as the Compound W Gel, found a way around this by coming up with a formula that is thicker and doesn’t run so easily, saving you from having to clean up afterwards.
A similar method of application, that is only marginally more controlled, is by using the dropper tool, as in the case of Lutateo Remover Liquid. This is better, since now when you squeeze you can only release a drop or two of the liquid at best, and thus not risk staining the area around the one you wish to treat.
When looking at the Nuonove Liquid Remover, we couldn’t help but admire its pen tool for application, which seems like a great solution for a liquid-type formula. You simply brush it on as though you would with a paintbrush, quickly and precisely, without getting the liquid on the surrounding area, let alone anywhere more than that. Fast and easy and hassle-free!
After liquid wart removers come solid ones, and with that we can’t not mention the Stick Remover, one of the highlights of this guide. It comes in the shape of a chapstick (please don’t confuse it with actual chapstick!), and it doesn’t leak or drip or run anywhere, because it is of solid consistency. Your job is to apply it to the infected area with a few simple brushes and then put the cap back on, and you’re done!
Another very common way of formulating these preparations is by using pads. Pads are band-aids, essentially, infused with active ingredients, and designed to be stuck on the skin, or wrapped around the finger or toe where the skin tag sits. This does require some, minor, dexterity, but it is easy to use in the sense that you’re not in danger of spilling anything anywhere.
Furthermore, these pads have a protective quality to them. They protect the area from water, meaning that you can get into the shower without worrying whether or not you will need to reapply your product afterwards. And, in the case of warts on the feet, they protect them from chafing and painful friction that might result from wearing socks and shoes.
Lastly, an item which we were quite surprised by is the Boiron Thuja Occidentalis, which is applied through mouth, or that is to say, in the form of pellets that you put under your tongue and let them dissolve. This is a very convenient way of going about your treatment, as you can simply help yourself with these on the go, without having to find time to fiddle with stick pads or liquids or similar.
When we say ‘materials’, here we actually mean ‘ingredients’, substances found in the formulas we have in our list here. There is a handful of these which are approved by the FDA to be used against abnormal skin conditions, and they range from those found in other pharmaceutical preparations and known drugs (such as aspirin), to those which are rooted in nature, such as herbal extracts and different products derived from honey and bees. We have already mentioned that their effectiveness greatly varies from one person to the next, so all of them deserve a little bit more explanation here.
Let’s start from the most common, and most important one, the salicylic acid.
‘Acid’ may sound like an extreme, scary word, but this is definitely not the corrosive, destructive type of acid you might be picturing. In fact, salicylic acid is the main ingredient in aspirin. It is an anti-inflammatory substance, one which softens abnormal skin cells and helps them break down.
The reason salicylic acid should be your first choice when it comes to curing this condition is because it is, according to a 2011 study from the British Journal of Dermatology, the only topical solution (a solution applied directly to the skin) that is better than the placebo. It is inexpensive, has minimal side effects, and comes in a variety of preparations, as we have seen in this guide. The maximum amount of salicylic acid found in a preparation that is still FDA approved is 40%, as in the Stick Remover, and the most common amount that is effective is 17%.
Other ingredients we have come across are those which are plant-based, such as Camphor, Sophora and Angelica. These are less potent than salicylic acid, and as a result more gentle on the skin. Not only do they aid in removing skin growths, but they also have the ability to nourish the skin, moisturize it, and keep it healthy and refreshed even after treatment.
However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of these natural formulas still has yet to be proven by modern medicine.
Before we wrap up our talk about ingredients, we also have to mention how vital it is that you check if you are allergic to any of them before you start using the preparation. Take a tiny amount of the formula, barely a drop, and rub it into your skin - preferably on your arm, or somewhere clearly visible like that - and wait for no less than 48 hours for signs of redness, itchiness, swelling or any kind of irritation. If there is none, you are free to use the product without worrying about possibly having an allergic reaction to it.
Side Effects
When it comes to topically applied remedies, or those which go on the skin, there aren’t many side effects to worry about, especially when the amount of formula applied is as small as in this case.
During our research, we found that the most common side effect when using over-the-counter preparations like these is a sensation of burning, or stinging of the area where the formula is applied. This is a direct result of applying salicylic acid on your skin, as this substance is called a keratolytic, or a peeling agent. A peeling agent causes the outer layer of your skin to peel, leaving behind new, healthy skin. It is a normal occurrence that this process causes some pain, the intensity of which depends on the strength of the salicylic acid in the formula.
Everyone’s pain threshold is different, so it is important to keep in mind that if a product wasn’t painful for your friend, it doesn’t mean it won’t be painful for you. Approach it with caution.
Another, less common, but still noteworthy side effect is the one we have already mentioned before - an allergic reaction. Immediately stop using the remedy and seek medical help if you notice any: itching, hives, difficulty breathing, lightheadedness, swelling of anything anywhere on your body, but especially of the face, throat, lips or tongue.
If you are taking any other types of medication, such as for diabetes or blood pressure, if you are suffering from poor circulation or liver or kidney disease, make sure to consult your doctor before you start taking any over-the-counter preparations, especially those which are applied orally, as the Boiron Thuja Occidentalis.
All of this applies to natural, herbal remedies as well. Just because a formula contains only plant-based extracts does not make it harmless. Make sure to read the ingredient list before you do anything, and be wary of those packages which don’t precisely detail what they contain. Perform an allergy test, and consult your doctor before you proceed with using a product.
One last thing we felt was important to evaluate here is the value of the item itself. Compared to other ones of its kind, is it expensive, in the middle range, or quite cheap? What is the amount of the formula you get for the price? Does it get used up too quickly? How long can you expect to use it for before you have to buy a new one?
With only one exception - the Somxl cream - all of the items in our guide are quite inexpensive. You don’t have to shell out a bucket load of cash to get your hands on these preparations, and they will last you quite some time.
Since all of the items are used by the drop, almost literally, it is expected that it takes a while before you arrive at the end of the packaging. In some cases, you will be using the first product you bought even months after beginning with your treatment. Which is a great thing!
When it comes to their cost and value, there’s not much you should worry about. Even the Somxl cream isn’t too expensive, in general terms, though it is the priciest formula we ran into. What matters is that you find a treatment which works for you, and which you think is absolutely worth the cost.
Top 10 Wart Removers
1. WartStick Remover

While many skin tag treatments have questionable effectiveness - some ingredients work for some people, others do not - there is one substance which is widely considered to be the most effective, and that is salicylic acid. The reason we’re bringing this up is that this product contains a fantastic 40% of this ingredient, the maximum strength that is still FDA approved.
Truly, this brand does not skimp on high-quality active ingredients. Since common liquid removers come with around 17% of salicylic acid, this formula just blows them out of the water.
Not only that but this wart removal product is wonderfully simple to apply since it comes in a solid stick preparation. You don’t have to get it on your fingers or worry about accidentally coating the problem area with too much of the substance. It targets only the unwanted growth, and is painless and completely odorless to boot!
However, keep in mind that it can be used only for common or plantar warts and that those located in sensitive parts of the body shouldn’t be exposed to such a strong treatment.
If everything else fails, and you feel like you have to bring out the big guns, definitely go for this powerhouse of a product. It will eliminate your tags in a matter of weeks, and you will never have to worry about them again.

2. Dr. Scholl's Clear Away

You must have heard of Dr. Scholl’s, the leading manufacturer of all things foot care related. Their mission is to help people move more comfortably and confidently through life, and they do so by providing only the best and highest quality products available on the market. The same is true for this product, Dr. Scholl’s Clear Away.
This is not a liquid, nor a stick - it is a combination of a medicated disc and a cushioning pad. The discs contain salicylic acid - a substance which science confirmed effectively removes skin tags and prevents their spreading - and its purpose is to remove the growth. The cushioning pad is there for comfort - it pads the tender area and relieves pain as you walk.
One packaging of Clear Away includes 24 medicated discs and 24 cushioning pads to use every day until the skin tag disappears. Once it is removed, the body replaces the affected tissue with new, healthy skin.
The only limitation to this item is the fact that it can only be used on plantar warts, and not on any other kind. However, it is a great solution for when you need a simple treatment that doesn’t require a lot of effort. Putting on Dr. Scholl’s Clear Away is no more complicated than applying a band-aid on the infected area, and the results are visible after only a few days!

3. Evagloss Wart Remover

This advanced formula is made using natural ingredients, and is perfect for those who don’t want to rely on harsh chemicals in order to solve this type of problem. This is a product that can be used by the entire family, and although it doesn’t work as fast as some of the other products listed, it is still a great alternative, especially for those with sensitive skin prone to irritation.
The way to use this method is quite simple. First, you will need to wash the affected area, and thoroughly dry it. Then, put a small amount of the liquid to a cotton swab and apply it to the wart area. Do not cover healthy skin as it may become damaged. You will need to repeat this process twice a day for about 20 days, and eventually, the growth will dry out and fall off.
The cost of this product is slightly higher than average, and that is mainly to do with the ingredients used. Being a blend of essential oils, the Evagloss takes the natural road to healthy, happy feet. The 0.3 oz bottle should be enough to last you a while, and you may even be tempted to purchase it a second time, just so you have it around the house.

4. Puriderma Maximum Strength

Another natural remedy on this list, the Puriderma Maximum Strength is a tested and proven method of getting rid of plantar, common and genital warts. It requires no invasive medical techniques such as burning or freezing, but is a completely painless way of getting rid of these growths. In addition to being highly effective, it is also a natural product that boosts immunity and helps it fighting off any future infections.
The ingredients in this liquid are 100% natural, and they won’t negatively affect your sensitive skin. It includes a mixture of stellera chamejasme, sophora flavescens, and hawthorn. It will completely remove the wart, without scarring the surrounding skin, or leaving a rough area.
It is easy to use: first, you will soak the affected area in warm water for approximately 5 minutes. Use the provided cotton swabs to apply the liquid to the affected area, and repeat the process for about two weeks. The wart will fall off on itself. Although the price is slightly higher than average, you’ll be happy to hear that this is a 100% cruelty free product, made with natural ingredients and highly effective. This makes the additional cost more than justified.

5. Boiron Thuja Occidentalis

In our research, we have encountered many different types of remedies - liquids and solid stick formulas, pen-like tools, patches, and protective pads. All of them require a topical application and some degree of deftness and care. However, in the case of Boiron Thuja Occidentalis, we have something completely different - an oral medicine.
That’s right, this is actually a dietary supplement that you take by mouth, not unlike taking your regular dose of vitamins each day. It is a homeopathic remedy, one which was approved by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of United States. It causes no known side-effects and doesn’t interact with any other medications, herbs or supplements.
The Boiron Thuja Occidentalis is packaged in multi-dose tubes, in the form of small pellets. Your job is to release the number of pellets you need for your treatment, pour them into your mouth and let them dissolve under your tongue. This can be used both by adults and children above two years of age.
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, the Boiron Thuja Occidentalis has mixed reviews - however, there is a fair number of those who were quite skeptical about its effectiveness and at the end managed to successfully eliminate their skin problems through regularly taking these pellets.
It certainly won’t hurt if you give it a shot.

6. Compound W Gel

A tried and tested formula which is always recommended and widely used, the Compound W Gel is that gold standard you turn to when you start having problems with skin tags. If you’re not sure what amount of salicylic acid is best for you, if you’ve never tried applying a product like this before and are not sure what to expect, this is where you should start. (And hopefully, end.)
The Compound W Gel contains 17% salicylic acid, which is somewhere in the middle when it comes to strength. More than that threatens to cause a lot of burning and irritation around the infected area, and less than that isn’t as effective. Other ingredients that go into this formula are alcohol, camphor, castor oil, ethyl acetate, and similar compounds, which don’t have any effect on the skin tag itself.
We’ve seen a packaging similar to this one in other items on this list, such as on the Bazuka Extra Strength and the Somxl cream, and yet the Compound W version has that special no-drip formula which minimizes the amount of the substance that leaks out.
This gel is perfect for on-the-go use, for when you’re in a hurry to leave the house but have forgotten to apply your treatment for the day. Simply leave a drop of the product on your skin tag, and make sure to reapply it regularly, according to the instructions on the box.

7. Duofilm Liquid Remover

This product is only slightly different in composition than the Compound W Gel. It also contains 17% salicylic acid, along with many of the same inactive ingredients. However, the difference between this product and the Compound W is in its application, and the tools that come with it.
Namely, it has a well-known tube packaging that is easy enough to use. However, it also comes with special discs which cover up the area after you’ve applied the liquid. This is convenient for protection in the shower, to make sure that the formula works even in wet conditions, as well as for shielding against getting rubbed off by socks or footwear.
The product can’t be used on sensitive skin and is only effective against common and plantar warts. It shows different results for different individuals - some have noticed improvement after mere days, while for others it took months of meticulous application to get rid of their skin tags.
However, as with all other products of this type, you just need to be patient and to follow the instructions on the box carefully. Don’t forget to use the protection discs and you’re going to be growth-free in no time!

8. Cherioll Wart Remover

These pads are an ideal on the go solution for those who need to keep on moving, even when dealing with plantar warts. It is effective against corns and calluses as well, and is a great item to have in your home in order to easily deal with these uncomfortable growths. The pack contains 20 pads, which are more than enough to treat any unwanted developments.
The way to use these pads is to apply them to the affected area. The ingredients - all sourced from traditional Chinese medicine - will work together to break down the wart. You should change the pads on a daily basis, and it should not take more than 5 pads per growth.
If applied correctly, these pads will not move or fall off, even if you lead an active lifestyle. Nonetheless, we would suggest that you make sure the area is thoroughly cleaned before application, as well as completely dry. This will help the adhesive stick better. Note that this product should not be used on irritated skin that is red, or on any part of your body that is infected. The price ranks around average, making this a good buy for most.

9. Somxl Wart Removal

An absolute champion when it comes to removing skin tags, this product’s formula will take care of your skin tags wherever they are on your body. This product contains FDA approved, all-natural ingredients which not only eliminate nasty growths, but also ensure that your skin is nice, smooth and moisturized after.
The Somxl cream contains 10% salicylic acid - a small amount which reduces the risk of burns - as well as ozone for fresh disinfection and essential oils for skin nourishment. There are no unnecessary chemicals, no additives or preservatives which you should worry about. In fact, this product is so safe that you can use it not only on your foot skin tags, but also those which are located in more sensitive areas, such as on the face or genitals.
The tube packaging makes this cream quick and easy to apply, leaving no mess behind. It also carries a pleasant minty smell which doesn’t make you cringe the moment you open the tube.
If your skin is sensitive, or perhaps you need to solve the problem of skin tags on your child, definitely don’t skip the Somxl cream. It is light, doesn’t burn when applied, nor does it leave behind any scars or sore spots. A dream to use!

10. Bazuka Extra Strength

With its name being an unusual spelling of the word bazooka, otherwise known as a rocket launcher, we don’t doubt this brand’s effectiveness. The Extra Strength Gel is here to help you get rid of all of your problems, be they warts, verrucas, corns or calluses. It works in a slightly different way than most other items on this list, which is worth exploring further.
Namely, the Extra Strength gel comes with salicylic acid as the active ingredient, and other additional substances such as camphor, povidone, ethanol, and acetone. All of these combined work together to soften the skin where the problem occurs, and to kill the virus which is the cause of the abnormalities.
The idea here is that the Bazuka Extra Strength doesn’t remove the problem itself. Rather, it softens the troublesome area, and makes it easier to remove the growth mechanically, by using a pumice stone or an emery board. With this formula you don’t have to wait for them to fall off in due time - you can simply eliminate them yourself!
It is easy to apply with its small, precise tube, and you even get a bonus tool to scrub off the skin cells once they soften.
The Bazuka Extra Strength is largely regarded as the ‘miracle worker’ among its customers. If you feel like all hope is lost, after you’ve tried product after product without any success, you must not give up until you’ve given this one a go. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

- Understanding Common Warts , Health Article ,
- How to get rid of warts, Medical Journal ,
- How to get rid of warts, Medical Article ,
- What Is Salicylic Acid Topical?, Medical Article ,
- 10 Best Wart Removal Products, Review Article ,